Skin Magic Enzyme Glow


This treatment offers a more gentle solution that can be incorporated into a regular skincare regimen. These treatments can speed up natural chemical reactions in the skin that renew skin cells while exfoliating dead cells. The most amazing thing about enzyme peels is that they do not damage or remove live tissue! They exfoliate ONLY dead cells, which is a big reason why enzyme peels are great for nearly all skin types. Because there is no injury to live skin, there is no downtime – so no hiding out in the dark at home for days on end!


  • Natural Organic
  • Younger & Fresher, Brighter Looks
  • Fine lines & Pore reduction
  • Acne scars and Age spots reduction
  • Glowing skin with even skin tone
  • Smoother skin texture
  • Controls oily skin

How does it work?

STEP 1 – Enzyme (BioAstin Cranberry, Pomegranate)
Smooth skin’s surface, antioxidants to provide anti-inflammatory and nourishing benefits.

STEP 2 – Peel Prep (Citric Acid, Gallic Acid, D-Cholic Acid)
Gently stripping oil and softening surface cells

STEP 3 – Lactic (Nopal Cactus, Ferulic Acid, Allantoin)
Smooths, hydrates, and brightens, improving the appearance of fine lines and pigmentation, discolourations with little to no downtime

STEP 4 – Neutralizer

STEP 5 – Orange Tea Massage Cream (Grapeseed oil, Coconut oil, Vitamin E)
Nourish the skin with vitamins and botanicals.

STEP 6 – Rejuvenating Masks
Last but not least, gentle extraction of clogs and blackheads followed by our soothing/restorative masks that deeply hydrate, improve elasticity and restores skin health.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long will it take to see results?
DrD: Results vary among individuals but most patients can see some immediate results after the 1st treatment. Results will definitely be more pronounced after 6-8 sessions.

2. What does the procedure feel like?
DrD: The experience may not be the same for everyone but generally a biting sensation will be felt by patients that lasts only 1-2minutes.

3. Does the procedure require any downtime?
DrD: No downtime redness. This treatment is non-surgical and non-invasive.

4. How long is each session and what is the interval for each session?
DrD: Each session takes approximately 1-1.5hours, and interval in between each session can be as early as 1-2 weeks.

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